Simone Giertz, the "Queen of waste wood robots", launched yetch website: selling cool inventions

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According to the verge report, Swedish inventor and Youtube Simone Giertz (also known as "Queen of waste wood robot") revealed her latest creation: a website named after her surname, "yetch”。** Giertz's list of inventions includes a tooth brushing helmet and a terrible vegetable cutting machine. Although the website does not display "truckla", that is, Giertz's pickup truck transformed with Tesla Model 3; Or a selfie photo booth designed with Lego blocks for dogs, but it does show some practical accessories and items.


Although the all white puzzle sounds troublesome, it can be an interesting pain for those who lose it. The "incomplete white puzzle" sold on yetch's website consists of 499 of the 500 puzzles. Because it is intentional, it still costs the full price of $38. In her latest YouTube video, Giertz described the puzzle as "the worst puzzle in the world", which took her 19 hours to complete.



Giertz's "every day goal calendar" is a real calendar, but the coolest part here is that each day in the calendar has a separate LED light to help people track any goals you set. The calendar sells for $365 -- a good price. "Every day calendar" is part of her first KickStarter activity in 2018. Giertz uses it to maintain her meditation schedule.

The website also launched a cross head screwdriver ring and a screw ring, both for $85. It is unclear whether one ring can fit into another.

These items are still available on yetch. According to the introduction of the website, the website is "created after years of prototype design".

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