Is The Teen Model Useful? We Evaluated Five Platforms And Found That

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"Wangxinling boy, liuhuanghong girl, and the child of the lone brave". Recently, several popular hot spots on short video platforms have shown a huge trend of layering. The content needs of minor users for short videos are diversified according to their age and gender.

On the basis of the "youth model", the content that teenagers see should not only be strictly selected, but also have diversified high-quality content. As the summer vacation approaches, can each short video platform meet the increasingly diversified high-quality content needs of teenagers on the basis of compliance? Can teenagers benefit from it, or simply "one size fits all"?

The reporter from Nandu evaluated five major short video platforms, including Tiktok, Kwai, wechat video number, station B and xiaohongshu. After evaluation, it is found that Tiktok and Kwai have launched more personalized content recommendations for teenagers of different ages, and station B, xiaohongshu and video numbers have not yet been refined to the age classification of minors.

Tiktok and station B can set guardians, and Tiktok's real name users under the age of 14 are forced to use juvenile mode

In the actual measurement, the reporter from Nandu found that the five major platforms, such as Tiktok, Kwai, wechat video number, station B and xiaohongshu, will prompt the user to open the youth mode when using them. Click "open the youth mode" to set the password and enter the youth mode. After logging out, clicking the app again will continue the previous youth mode settings.

However, this is for the case of actively setting the youth mode. If the youth mode is to be used for a long time, it still needs to be realized through the real name authentication of each platform.

On the basis of the real name system, the youth model has been thoroughly implemented. It is understood that since last September, Tiktok has launched the strictest anti addiction measures for teenagers in the history of the platform. All real name authenticated users under the age of 14 have entered the youth mode and cannot exit by themselves. For real name authenticated users aged 14-18, Tiktok provides stricter security protection in content recommendation, social networking, search, etc., such as prohibiting the display of personal information other than avatars and nicknames to strangers.

Among the five platforms mentioned above, Tiktok, Kwai, station B and xiaohongshu all explicitly require "unique binding", that is, one real name identity can only be bound to one account, which also limits minors from using other people's identity information for real name authentication.

After the youth mode is enabled, can minors be effectively limited to this mode? In the actual measurement, Nandu reporter found that the five platforms can turn off the youth mode through the four digit password, while the youth mode of Tiktok, station B, wechat video number and Kwai can also be bound with corresponding guardians to realize personalized management.

Among them, Tiktok and station B can enable parents to remotely manage the adolescent mode switch of the child's account through the mobile phone through the parent-child platform under the adolescent mode. It is worth noting that Tiktok has also set up an exit vulnerability prevention mechanism for the youth mode. If the account is already in the youth mode, the methods such as unloading the app, reloading and changing the mobile phone to log in are invalid, and it will be forced to enter the youth mode again.

When the user is younger than 14 years old, Kwai will be filled in with the relevant information of the guardian, and then the platform will contact the guardian according to the filled Guardian Information to ask for his authorization consent.

The wechat video number can also be set with a guardian. In addition to turning on and off the youth mode, the guardian can also realize personalized management of wechat functions. For example, the video number can choose not to access or only access the youth content, and the official account can choose not to access, ask "what I care about" or all.

In terms of content security, after the five platforms started the youth mode, the content was screened to a certain extent, and the Nandu reporter did not see any content unsuitable for minors in the evaluation.

Each platform is rich in content, and Tiktok can browse systematic content

Recently, the research group of the school of journalism of Communication University of China released the Research Report "the impact of Internet products on the socialization of Chinese teenagers", which pointed out that mainstream values, knowledge exchange, artistic aesthetics, traditional culture and other contents converge on the short video platform, which meets the interests and needs of young people to understand and explore the world. Short videos encourage users to produce content, which is more conducive to teenagers' creativity and participation.

The experts mentioned in the report that the addition of high-quality traditional cultural content in the short video live broadcast has enriched the content and methods of current youth cultural education, and provided a window for teenagers to understand, inherit and carry forward traditional culture. At the same time, the increase of creators of short video platform knowledge content also makes live sharing one of the emerging channels of knowledge dissemination.

Short video platforms such as Tiktok and Kwai show high content richness in the youth mode. In the assessment, Nandu reporter found that the contents recommended by Tiktok in the youth mode include art, tourism, learning, etc. the learning related contents are not limited to classroom knowledge, but also a large number of Pan knowledge closely related to the lives of teenagers, such as star dailu knitting course, mobile phone photography skills, Mandarin pronunciation course, etc.

In addition, the Nandu reporter noticed that in addition to the recommended content, in the Tiktok youth mode, users can also directly watch the collection related content on the discovery page. The existing collection includes cloud shopping, academicians' speaking, 100000 points of curiosity, scientific exploration, space roaming, literature and art, animal world, etc. the content covers both astronomy and geography, natural scenery, and daily life science popularization, reflecting humanistic care.

▲ Tiktok's cloud shopping hall and academician's content

Kwai is also building a content pool under the youth model. The Nandu reporter found through evaluation that the recommended contents under the youth mode of Kwai mainly include animals, sports, talents, music, tourism, language learning, education, etc.

In the youth mode of the video number, the content also includes manual teaching, history and humanities, fitness skills, news, etc. It is worth mentioning that, compared with other platforms, the youth mode content pool of the video number seems to be more tracking hot spots. Hot content such as "Qi Liuhai lion in Guangzhou Zoo" and "dancing with Wang Xinling to love you" can be brushed in the youth mode of the video number.

The youth mode contents of station B and little red book also reflect their user characteristics. The youth mode content of station B includes art, food, humanities and history, animals, etc., of which food videos and traditional etiquette popular science videos are broadcast in a high volume; The youth mode of little red book is that there are a large number of art examination videos, sharing videos of top students in the college entrance examination, and overseas education videos shared by overseas users.

Only Tiktok and Kwai have age appropriate content recommendations

Nandu reporter also found in the evaluation that the youth content pool of many short video platforms is not age-specific. A video of college entrance examination knowledge points is followed by a child animation, which may also lead to the lack of practicality of the youth model content pool.

Bai Jing, a professor at the school of Journalism and communication of Nanjing University, said recently that "Teenagers" are still a vague classification method, including both minors and adults. For example, college students are over 18 years old, but they are also young. People of different ages use the Internet differently. Primary schools need more supervision from parents and schools; Middle school students need schools and parents to strengthen guidance, as well as the Internet platform to strengthen governance; College students are very independent. Young people of each age have their own characteristics. Bai Jing suggested that different measures should be taken for different age groups to prevent excessive use of the Internet, and corresponding protection and management measures should be issued according to the age segments.

In terms of age, Tiktok and Kwai made different content recommendations for teenagers of different ages. In Tiktok, the user can set the age by himself after turning on the youth mode. In the actual measurement, when the reporter from Nandu set the age to 6 years old, the children's animations such as Peppa Pig, Thomas and friends' stories, as well as home safety nursery rhymes and other educational contents will be brushed in the "home page - recommendation" and "discovery" columns; When the reporter from Nandu set the age to 9 in Tiktok, the recommended content became richer, including children's films and television such as "little devil of Balala", as well as learning content such as clay course and historical relics science popularization. At the same time, there was also a practical video of "how to deal with campus bullying"; When the reporter from Nandu set the age to 16, the recommended video content became more suitable content, such as practical basketball lessons, board drawing skills, food lessons, etc.

▲ content pool of Tiktok at the age of 6, 9 and 16

Kwai has a similar mechanism. When the reporter from Nandu set the age to 3, he would brush in the "recommendation" children's animation, Pinyin teaching, simple stroke tutorial, etc; When you are 16 years old, you will be introduced to famous universities, word skills, badminton tutorials, etc.

However, in the video number, station B and little red book assessed by Nandu reporters, there is no content pool for teenagers of different ages.

In this evaluation, the reporter from Nandu found that the five major platforms restrict teenagers' online behavior through the youth mode, but only the youth modes of the three platforms, including Tiktok, can be bound with parents' accounts to realize parents' remote management; All the five platforms have screened out content pools suitable for teenagers, but only Tiktok and Kwai have launched age-appropriate content for teenagers of different ages.

In addition, in the evaluation of the five platforms, the Nandu reporter found that the live broadcast could not be watched in the youth mode. On May 9, the central civilization office, the Ministry of culture and tourism, the State Administration of radio and television, and the state Internet Information Office issued the opinions on standardizing online live broadcast rewards and strengthening the protection of minors (hereinafter referred to as the opinions), which proposed to optimize and upgrade the "youth model". On the basis of the existing "youth model", the website platform should further optimize the product model and content presentation, and continue to increase the live content supply suitable for minors.

After the introduction of the opinions, major platforms may open the live broadcast viewing permission under the youth mode to provide more suitable live broadcast content for minors.

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