Twitter is testing twitter circle: a "close friend" feature similar to instagram

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According to techcrunch, Twitter is testing its twitter circle function, which is similar to the transformation of instagram's "close friends" function . The feature was announced as one of many potential product updates in July, and it appeared on the website last month due to a bug. Now, as the feature enters the testing phase, a few users can share tweets with their 150 closest friends.


Twitter said the feature is in its early stages, which is why only some users can use it at present. Even if users can't create a twitter circle themselves, they can see the tweets of users who have this function, of course, as long as users are in their circle. When users establish their own twitter circle, twitter will advise them to add common friends who often interact (these people may be close friends of the user).

When a user replies to a tweet sent to their twitter circle, other members of the twitter circle can see the user's reply and interact with it.


When users add or delete others from their twitter circle, they won't know, so don't worry about accidentally sending embarrassing notifications. Unlike Google + circles, users have only one circle, so choose its purpose wisely.

To tweet to twitter circle, when a user writes a tweet, click the ellipse above the text box, and then change the audience from "everyone" to "Twitter circle", which is the same way that a user tweets to the community.

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