"Starry Sky" And "unmanned Deep Space" Comparison Video Space Exploration Is Very Similar

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At the Xbox press conference today, agency B released a live demonstration of "starry sky". Space exploration is very much like "unmanned deep space", while the battles and stories are like "radiation" and "ancient scrolls" Foreign media ign produced a comparison video of "starry sky" and "no one in the deep sky", showing the collection, exploration and combat of these two games. Let's have a look


Comparison Video:

The story of "starry sky" takes place in 2330. Human beings came out of the solar system and settled down on the new planet to live as space travelers. As an unknown star miner, the player will join the star group (a group of space explorers looking for rare artifacts in the Galaxy) and start an adventure. This work can be switched between the first person and the third person. Players can drive their own spacecraft, shoot in space, land anywhere on a new planet, and explore multiple galaxies. Each galaxy has a large number of planets. The sky will have 100 galaxies and 1000 planets to explore. Players can deeply customize character faces, occupations, skills, etc. The spacecraft also supports deep customization, including appearance and practicality.

Starry sky will be released in 2023 and will be available on xsx|s and PC platforms. Own xbox Game pass, you can play from the start.

Video screenshot:

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