The special film "new Altman", written by Xiuming Amano and directed by Shinji Yukio, has been released in Japan. The film grossed 1 billion yen in just three days, setting a new record for the premiere of Japanese live action films in 2022. Today (May 21), the government released a brand-new promotional film to introduce the characters of the leading group "special countermeasure room full-time class for evil and powerful animals", also known as "evil special pair". This is a special team composed of five experts set up by the Japanese disaster prevention agency in the film to deal with all kinds of "dangerous and dangerous animals" in the film.
New promo:
The five roles and actors are as follows:
Person in charge of putting on record: shenyongxin II (Saito worker)
Analyst: Hiroko Asahi (yasumi Nagasawa)
Nonparticle physicist: Kan Mingjiu (youoka Dagui)
Universal biologist: the beauty of the ship (see Jasmine early)
Monitor: junnan Tamura (Xiujun nishima)