NASA director: the United States hopes to cooperate with Russia on the international space station until 2030

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Bill Nelson, director of NASA, said that the United States believes that Russia will continue to work on the international space station at least in the near future and hopes to cooperate as planned until 2030 "We have reason to believe that the Russians will continue to work with the international space station until 2030," Nelson said



He stressed that the conclusion was based on the existing "professional relationship" between the two countries in space project cooperation. "The title is wrong," Nelson said when members of Congress asked for comment on the news that Russia plans to withdraw from the international space station project

"In the relationship between astronauts and astronauts, I don't see any factors affecting our professional relationship," Nelson said He also stressed that despite the problems of the situation in Ukraine, there was still professional interaction between NASA and Rosneft in terms of orbit, astronaut and astronaut training.

Earlier, Rogozin, general manager of Russia's State Aerospace Corporation, said that the company had made a decision on the participation of the future international space station project. Rogozin did not specify when to withdraw from the project, but said Russia would notify the international space station partners one year in advance.

Editor in charge: ugmbbc

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NASA director: the United States hopes to cooperate with Russia on the international space station until 2030

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