Microsoft Warned That The Update Of Kb5012643 Caused Problems In Many Windows 11 Applications

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Soon after Microsoft released the kb5012643 update of windows 11, it brought a long series of improvements and security fixes. However, as with many windows updates, it also brings problems. We have seen the problem of screen flicker in safe mode, although Microsoft has taken measures to solve this problem. But now the company has warned that windows 11 users may encounter some types of application problems after installing kb5012643 update.

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Microsoft didn't make a special announcement, but it's on windows A description has been added to the known problems section of the release health page of version 11 21h2. The title of the problem informs the user that "some. Net Framework 3.5 applications may have problems" after kb5012643 is installed. Microsoft explained:

After installing kb5012643, some Net Framework 3.5 applications may have problems or may not open. The affected application is in use Net Framework 3.5, such as windows communication foundation (WCF) and windows workflow (WWF) components.

Although Microsoft said that the problem has been identified as "mitigated", the recommended mitigation measure is simply to uninstall the update.

  1. To alleviate this problem, users can choose to uninstall kb5012643. To do this, click the start button and enter windows update settings, then select it. In the windows update settings window, select View update history and then uninstall updates. Find kb5012643 in the list and select it, then select uninstall.

If you do not consider uninstalling kb5012643, you can also re enable it in Windows features Net Framework 3.5 and windows communication foundation to alleviate this problem.

An advanced user or it administrator can do this by using the following command prompt (run as administrator) and running the following command.

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:WCF-HTTP-Activation

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:WCF-NonHTTP-Activation

Microsoft said it was "working on a solution and will provide an update in the upcoming version" so that even if users don't do anything, future problems will be solved by themselves.

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