How To Make Dried Flowers

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It is one of the easiest and most commonly used methods of making dried flowers.

  1. First you need to choose an indoor space that is warm, dry, and well ventilated. Flowers have decorative value in the drying process, and you may consider a bedroom or dining room as a place for air-drying.
  2. flower preparation: perennial wildflowers, hydrangeas, delphiniums, asters and other flowers, you need to use fine twine to tie them into a small upside down hanging on a hook or thin rope above, remember to keep away from the wall. Papyrus, lavender, and cattail flowers, to be inserted in a very large open container to air-dry, need to be made so that they can be spread out in a fan shape. Some flowers simply need to be spread out flat on a shelf.
  3. The air-drying time varies with the type of flower, the humidity of the air and the temperature. You must remember to look and smell them every two or three days, and if your flowers feel as brittle as the paper, you are done.

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Microwave drying

Drying in a microwave oven is a newer method that features a short time frame. This type of drying is suitable for those who can air dry flowers such as bermudagrass, daisies, roses, marigolds, etc., and some grasses such as cattails, artichokes, papyrus, etc.

  1. Place the flowers on the paper towels so that they do not overlap each other. If there are many flowers, do this in several batches.
  2. Heat the flowers in a microwave oven, turning it on to medium or high for one minute. If they are still not dry, replace the used paper towels and heat again.
  3. Remove from microwave and remove paper towels and allow to cool (at least 10 minutes) before using for garnish.
  4. drying time with microwave oven according to the type of oven, the number of flowers, berries should first put them in a cool, dry, ventilated place air dry for at least a week to avoid bursting in the microwave oven.

Borax mixture

This method is not suitable for particularly fragile and elegant flowers, as the petals may fall off during the production process.

  1. choose a container that can be sealed, borax (can be found at craft or home supply stores), cornstarch (or sand). Mixing a tablespoon of iodized salt will make the dried flowers brighter in color, but it will not work in all cases.
  2. Mix the borax and cornstarch into a container, making sure the mixture is sufficient to cover all the flowers.
  3. Place the flowers in a container on top of the mixture, then slowly cover the flowers with the mixture using a spoon. Some grass can be added to the sand so that the petals can be in their natural state and avoid twisting. To completely bury the flowers in the mixture, cover the box with the lid.
  4. Drying time depends on the moisture in the petals and the humidity of the air. Check periodically to see if they are drying according to your ideal condition, and when appropriate, you can take them out and brush away the sand.

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers


The method is simple and easy to learn.

  1. pick some small flatter flowers, and the stems should not be too thick and round, the flowers should not be too three-dimensional, commonly used are tricolor violets and lilacs.
  2. Place the flowers to a dry shade paper, you can use newspaper, cardboard napkins, etc. Arrange the shape you like, and put another piece of paper on it to press it down when you are done.
  3. Press a large and heavy item onto the paper with the flower pinned to it.
  4. Wait 1-3 weeks and the embossing is done. After the first week, remember to replace the original paperclip flower with a new clean one and put it back under the weight.
  5. Can be framed or made into a bookmark.

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Oven drying method

This time, because of the larger fire, larger flowers and thicker-stemmed branches are more suitable, such as chrysanthemums, larkspur, etc.

  1. Cut out the appropriate size wire mesh or fine mesh and pass the flowering branch through the mesh, with the flower on the wire mesh and the stem hanging below.
  2. Place in the oven, turn on to 100 degrees and gradually dry the sprigs, this process will take a few hours, depending on the qualities of the flowers.
  3. remove the flowers, dry thoroughly and leave to cool, and start using them when they have dried to room temperature.

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

Fresh Cut Flowers

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