The Xbox App Will Allow Players To Share Game Content In The Form Of Snapchat Stories

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Microsoft announced that it is updating Xbox mobile apps on IOS and Android to allow players to share game moments in the form of snapchat style stories Game clips, screenshots and achievements are compatible with the new sharing format and can be accessed by clicking the "+" button next to the game name on the Xbox app home screen. Then the content will be displayed on your profile for 72 hours, and new network management features will appear on Xbox.



A few years ago, the method of showing yourself in the form of stories timeline was all the rage. From instagram to LinkedIn and spotify, they imitated this format in their respective applications. Although this trend seems to have weakened recently and the focus has shifted to tiktok style scrolling information, we can see the significance of stories format here. Video game is a visual medium and stories is a good way to display full screen images. Nevertheless, in the above picture of Microsoft, we can see that a horizontal video occupies the vertical mobile phone A small part of the screen, which is a little embarrassing.

Except for the new Xbox Application function, Microsoft also announced a new quality of service (QoS) tag function on Xbox game console. It is designed to prioritize traffic sensitive to network congestion, such as multiplayer games or party chat, and can be accessed in the advanced section of the network settings menu. However, Microsoft's support page says the feature needs to get your home router or ISP network, and warned that it may cause problems for others to access the network.



Microsoft's announcement Post said that the stories feature has now been launched in Australia and will enter more regions "soon".

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