The original Star Wars animated short film series Jedi story will be launched on disney+ in the autumn of 2022. Each story in the series will feature the Jedi Knights in the prequel era, and many of our favorite characters will also return to dubbing. The Jedi story is set in the prequel period, and each episode tells a different story. Not only will he tell the stories of different life stages of Ahsoka and Count Dooku, but Liam Nissen will also return to dubbing qui gon king.
The Jedi story has six episodes, three of which focus on Count Dooku and the other three on Ahsoka.
Ahsoka's series will run through her life and will provide a glimpse of her childhood, her time with Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, and her face to interrogators after Order 66.
Count Dooku's episode will have a similar format, but the difference is that it will focus on his story as a Jedi Knight before turning to the dark side. Liam Neeson will appear in Count Dooku's stories. These shows will even have a young qui gon king, voiced by Liam Neeson's son Michael.
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