Researchers Have Developed An AI Program That Specializes In Writing Wine And Beer Reviews

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According to slashgear, "for peach wine, it is quite dark and full-bodied, with flavors of cherry, raspberry, vanilla and spices. It is dry and moderate acidity." These words were not written by a wine expert or sommelier, but by an artificial intelligence program. A research team from Dartmouth College, the Tucker School of business at Dartmouth University and the University of Indiana published a paper , this paper introduces in detail the creation of an artificial intelligence program dedicated to writing wine and beer reviews** In addition, it can also summarize a pile of human comments into its own centralized comments to help customers.

The team first created an artificial intelligence program that can write "comments on human quality" by screening a set of product features and being trained in comments on similar products written by humans. To test their creativity, the researchers focused on wine and beer reviews. About 180000 wine reviews were entered into the algorithm, including key details, such as metadata such as origin, grape variety, rating and price.


When AI generated comments are compared with comments written by humans, the key observations are consistent. In order to improve the authenticity of the research results, non professional researchers were asked to distinguish between comments written by humans and artificial intelligence. They were unable to distinguish between the two sources. Once it is determined that AI can write credible comments, the research team enters the next stage - training AI algorithms to read human comments, and then synthesizing the conclusions into their own original comments.

In order to test the comprehensive ability of artificial intelligence, the research team trained it on 143000 comments written by humans, covering more than 14000 kinds of beer, as well as metadata of elements such as net score, alcohol percentage and product name. After the analysis of independent researchers, it is determined again that the artificial intelligence program can be reviewed by a wide range of human beings, and put forward its own version, covering all key points and opinions.

The most obvious conclusion here is that AI programs like the above will eventually lead to the unemployment of many wine experts and sommeliers. But this is not what the team wants to achieve. Restaurants that cannot provide sommeliers and independent vendors can use AI kits like this to sell their products. Moreover, such AI programs will not steal the work of professional writers and marketing experts, but can actually help them write the first draft.

When it comes to public welfare, if ordinary wine and beer consumers don't have enough time to read multiple complete reviews, the synthesis of multiple human reviews generated by artificial intelligence will help them make decisions. In terms of the ethics of the debate, the team believes that the comments generated by Ai - and the synthesis of comments - should be clearly marked so that they will not be plagiarized or posing as original comments written by humans.

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