Pei Jian, Former Vice President Of JD Group And ACM / IEEE Fellow, Will Join Duke University

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Today, Professor Chen Yiran, an alumnus of Tsinghua University and the ECE Department of Duke University, announced on his microblog that Professor Peijian will officially join Duke University this autumn. According to the official website, Pei Jian's tenure at Duke University will begin on July 1 this year, and he will also work in three major departments: Computer Science, electronics and computer engineering, biostatistics and bioinformation!

Previously, Pei Jian's well-known identity was "vice president of JD group". I wonder if he has left?

Professor Pei Jian is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of data science. He is one of the most cited authors in the academic circles in terms of data mining, database system and information retrieval, with more than 110000 citations.

At the same time, he is also an academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Canada, the Canadian Academy of engineering, ACM and IEEE. He has won the ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award (ACM SIGKDD Innovation Award) and IEEE ICDM research contributions Award (IEEE ICDM research contribution award).

Pei Jian received his bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science and engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1991 and 1993 respectively., In 2002, he received a doctorate in computational science from Simon Fraser University in Canada.

The following is an interview with Pei Jian from Duke University. AI technology reviews have been sorted out unchanged:

As an expert in developing the link between data science and real-world applications, Pei Jian is not only keen to collect useful information and gain insight from a large amount of data, but also in a fair and transparent way for all.

"Data scientists must be able to build programs with dynamic learning capabilities and communicate complex results from many different applications to stakeholders and users. It is important for data scientists to connect people with data in a way that people can understand and contribute to and benefit society," Pei said

With the explosive growth of data science in the past few decades, it is more difficult to name the fields that have not been affected by it than the fields that have been affected by it. However, as advanced concepts such as data mining and application of artificial intelligence become the basic components of more aspects of society, it is becoming more and more important to ensure the fair and just use of data.

Over the past two decades, Pei Jian has been committed to achieving these goals in all fields. His work involves spatial data, medical data, educational data, e-commerce, bioinformatics, data markets and social networks.

One of Pei Jian's achievements is the cooperation with LinkedIn, one of the world's largest social media platforms. Since executive positions tend to favour men - especially in technology companies - the platform's algorithms must fight any bias that may arise in the social relationships and opportunities they present to men and women. The company recently worked with Pei Jian to check and correct the bias in its data so that data dissemination is fair among all users, regardless of their race, gender or other characteristics.

Regardless of the field and problem at hand, Peijian can see the opportunity to customize existing technologies and invent new methods of collecting and parsing data. Then, his collaborators can see whether the newly applied tools and technologies can be used to solve the problems in their own research field. He is excited to study the rich industry cooperation in the future of the triangle, especially Apple Companies such as and Google are about to open offices in the region.

Pei Jian also said: "I met all kinds of people at conferences and meetings. I have been looking for opportunities to apply my work to new challenges. I also often work with professional graduate students. Their work brings them new challenges, which provides them with opportunities to cooperate with the company."

Pei Jian is willing to accept students of all ages and experience levels, not just professional postgraduates. He often teaches undergraduate courses on data science, data mining and database foundation, and always guides a large number of doctoral students. And 50% of them, he said proudly.

"I strongly advocate the diversity and fairness of education and training, especially women and other underrepresented groups in science and engineering. We need more balance to ensure the health and efficiency of the whole field." Pei Jian said.

In addition to the outdoor jogging and mountain biking opportunities provided by the triangle, Pei Jian said that he was attracted by Duke University because Duke University provides a strong research team and interdisciplinary cooperation opportunities in data science. He is particularly pleased to work with Cynthia Rudin, one of the world's leading supporters of creating interpretable machine learning algorithms; Working with Robert calderbank, he runs many data science driven projects through the Rhodes information initiative of Duke University; In cooperation with Chen Yiran, he recently established the Athena center, which focuses on using artificial intelligence and edge computing technology and next-generation network systems to rethink the future of mobile devices.

"I think in the next 10 to 20 years, change will happen faster than it is now, and more flexible versatility will be very important. Data science is the key to sensing change, understanding dynamics and enhancing versatility. Duke University will play an increasingly important role in leading research, education and social services, and I am happy to be one of them." Pei Jian said.

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