The new animated film "film Red" of the popular cartoon "the pirate king" will be released on August 6. On June 8, the official special program released the latest information, and the official poster was made public. Gordon, the man who mastered the key of the story, decided to play Jintian Kenjiro. Please look forward to it.
Film red is the 15th animated film in the series, with Wulang Taniguchi as the director, Mian Heiyan as the script, and rongichiro ODA as the comprehensive producer. The specific plot of the story has not been disclosed yet.
However, according to the title of the poster, this work will focus on red hair shanks, the largest key figure in the series. Please look forward to the follow-up reports.
Gordon is an important character in the new adventure film red. He is a huge man with a huge scar on his head. He is the key figure in the mystery of the relationship between resin shanks and his daughter.