Li Zairong Comments On Samsung's 355billion Dollar Investment Plan: Either Do It Or Die

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According to, Lee Jae Yong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, made a public statement for the first time on the group's largest 450 trillion won (US $355billion) five-year investment plan in history, saying, "this is not a question of numbers, but a question of 'do or die'."

According to a report in the Korean Economic Daily on the 26th, on the same day, before the Symposium of small and medium-sized enterprise entrepreneurs hosted by South Korean President Yin Xiyue, Lee Jae Yong answered questions about large-scale investment plans and said: "we will look forward and continue to move forward."

Compared with the 330 trillion won invested in the past five years, the new five-year investment plan has increased by 120 trillion won. This means that the world's largest manufacturer of memory chips and smart phones will increase its investment by more than 30% every year before 2026.

The investment plan shows Samsung's firm determination to consolidate its leadership in the storage semiconductor field and strengthen its competitiveness in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, 6G communication and other growth fields. Most importantly, Samsung is determined to surpass TSMC by 2030.

Park jea gun, a professor in the Department of electronic engineering at Hanyang University, said: "if Samsung wants to maintain its leading position in the growing system (chip) market, it must strengthen research and development (r&d) and recruitment. Today, Li Zairong seems to remind himself and his employees that as a latecomer (in the OEM market), it needs great determination to surpass TSMC."

Li Zairong once urged Samsung employees to forge ahead for the future growth pillar. He said at a strategy meeting on improving product design in november2020, "don't be limited by your challenges. Your work will be more rewarding in times of crisis."

Less than a year ago, Samsung also said it would invest 240billion won in core businesses such as semiconductors, displays and biology in the next three years. In the future, Samsung may challenge its limitations in new fields such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology. The group hopes to repeat the success story of semiconductors in these fields.

In the field of bioengineering, Samsung is making efforts to expand the business of biosimilars and CDM. In addition, the technology giant has also deployed the world's first commercial 5g communication equipment, and plans to maintain its current leading position in 6G and above networks.

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