After weeks of active public discussion on the proposal to abandon traditional BIOS support in Fedora 37, Fedora engineering and Steering Committee (FESCO) has rejected this change and will temporarily retain BIOS startup support. Previously, Fedora community discussed that it may give up the support for traditional BIOS to focus on more modern UEFI devices, which is also one of the most active Fedora function discussions recently.
Some people think that it is possible to leave the support of traditional BIOS to SIG and other methods to continue to support in disguise, but FESCO members made it clear that it is too early for Fedora to give up the support of traditional BIOS startup.
FESCO has now officially rejected the change to Fedora 37's abandonment of traditional BIOS support later this year. Therefore, those who run on older hardware or just want to disable UEFI support on newer hardware can still happily use Fedora 37 this fall.
Although the abolition of traditional BIOS support was rejected, FESCO also approved other changes to Fedora 37, including upgrading to RPM 4.19, removing the traditional X. org driver, Haskell GHC 9.0 / stack lts 19, upgrading microdnf, and replacing jwhois with whois of Fedora workstation.
For more details on this week's FESCO discussion, see this mailing list post: