Elon Musk Plans To Launch Thousands Of 394 Foot Rockets To Mars

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Mr. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, shared his amazing plan to launch a rocket to Mars. Musk's company is currently developing its starship next generation launch vehicle platform in boccachka, Texas. Starship is designed to become the world's largest rocket after it is put into use. Its core is the basic goal of SpaceX, that is, to make human beings an interstellar species.

SpaceX's Falcon heavy rocket ties three engines together to lift a heavier load than Falcon 9. According to musk, the company plans to fly several Falcon heavy Rockets this year.

The executive shared slides from a recent speech at SpaceX and frankly introduced more details of his Mars colonization plan. Although starship is mainly intended to fly to Mars, the rocket will also replace SpaceX's Falcon lineup to perform low earth orbit (LEO) and other missions. In addition, it is part of NASA's Artemis program, which aims to establish a presence on the moon.

This slide does not contain any descriptive text or language elements. It is a combination of key talking points in Musk's speech. However, it managed to provide us with several important details, which are the core of the Starship. Building a new rocket requires a lot of capital investment. In order to recover the investment, SpaceX will have to use the rocket for non Martian purposes.

For example, "starship" is an integral part of the SpaceX program, which will establish a 40000 Small Satellite Internet constellation as part of its Starlink Internet service. In addition, it will provide NASA with a lunar lander and become the preferred alternative tool for SpaceX to refuel other starships in space and launch the payload currently using the Falcon 9 rocket lineup.

In the speech, information about the launch of the satellite chain was shared through an effect picture showing that the superior rocket launched two satellites in space at a time.

In addition, musk reiterated his reasons for developing a rocket that could eventually bring humans to Mars. The executive and his company are often criticized for these goals. Some critics believe that it is a better choice to use resources to solve the problems on earth.

The billionaire shared his reasons and motivations through an overview:

Let multi - planet life expand the scope and scale of consciousness.

So that we can back up the biosphere and protect all life we know from disasters on earth.

Humans are stewards of life, because no other species can transport life to Mars. We can't let them down

He also explained how he planned to use starship to achieve these goals. The rocket consists of two parts. Its lower or first stage is a 230 foot booster designed to run with 33 Raptor 2 engines. The top of the booster is the "starship" spacecraft, which is 164 feet high. After assembly, the launch system is 394 feet high.

When answering the question about his "plan" to achieve this goal, Musk's answer was quite simple, but it outlined the unimaginable scale of action that the 50 year old executive aimed to carry out.

Musk said that the plan is actually very simple. SpaceX will build and launch thousands of starships to Mars, which is equivalent to the modern Noah's Ark.

SpaceX is currently building prototypes of the first stage booster and second stage spacecraft at its Texas facility. The company has tested the upper level and is currently waiting for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to complete the environmental review of the Texas site. This will allow the rocket manufacturer to subsequently apply to the FAA for a launch license as part of a separate, highly critical process.

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