David Marcus, Former Head Of Meta Cryptocurrency, Founded The Payment Company Lightspark

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Andreessen Horowitz (also known as a16z), a well-known American venture capital, announced that he had invested in a new cryptocurrency company lightspark, and one of the co founders of lightspark was David Marcus, who was responsible for the Facebook cryptocurrency project and left last December.

The official website of lightning spark only briefly states that this is a new company, which aims to explore, resume and expand the function and practicability of bitcoin, and will deeply study the lightning network. Lightning network is the payment protocol layer on cryptocurrency. Its task is to realize the fast transaction between nodes. It is regarded as one of the solutions to the scalability problem of bitcoin.

Lightspark is currently recruiting platform architecture engineers and inviting developers who know about lightning network to help lightspark build a rich service application layer and promote the popularization of lightning network.

Marcus not only served as president of PayPal, but also joined Facebook in 2014 to take charge of the Libra blockchain project. He also took charge of all payment services under Facebook, but left the company that had been renamed meta at that time in December 2021.

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