Apple Store Employees In Taosen, Maryland, Applied For A Union Election

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According to techcrunch, Apple store employees in Taosen, Maryland have organized a union and applied for formal union elections** This marks an important step towards becoming the first officially recognized Apple Union in recent weeks, the third apple retail store after the stores in Manhattan and Atlanta.



The union, which calls itself applecore (organized retail employees' Union), claims to have the support of most employees of the store and operates with the support of the International Association of mechanics and aerospace workers (IAM).

"We came together as a trade union because of our deep love for our role as workers in the company and out of concern for the company itself," applecore told Apple letter from CEO Tim Cook Say. "To be clear, the decision to form a trade union is about our rights as workers that we don't currently have."



Apple core has not listed the specific requirements it wants from apple. Workers at the Atlanta store, represented by the American communications workers association, said in a statement that Apple's retail employees were deprived of living wages, cost of living adjustments and fair stock options.

Fruit stand workers united, a union representing employees at Apple's retail store in New York City's central station, is seeking a minimum wage of $30 an hour, more benefits, including increased expense reimbursement, more vacation time and better retirement options, such as a higher 401 (k) match.

Now, Apple's retail salary is between $20 and $30 an hour, plus some Apple shares. Apple retail workers can also benefit from health care and tuition reimbursement.

In order to be officially recognized, these unions must obtain more than 50% of the votes in the election planned by the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRB). The Atlanta store may be the first to form a union because they are expected to start voting on June 2. More than 70% of the more than 100 employees in the Atlanta store expressed support for the union when announcing their application for election.

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