After Epic's Motion, Google Postponed The Threat Of Taking Off The Bandcamp Android Client

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Although the legal tug of war between Google and Epic Games continues, the Android client of bandcamp, an independent music mall recently included by the latter, will not be threatened by Google play** At the end of last month, Epic Games submitted a preliminary ban motion to prevent Google from removing the independent music store bandcamp from the official Android App store.

This week, Ethan diamond, co-founder and CEO of bandcamp, said the search giant had promised to shelve threats. During the court hearing of its case with Epic Games, musicians and customers on the bandcamp platform can still experience it as usual.

It is reported that although bandcamp gives artists a much higher share than spotify, Google wants to take a 10% share of sales of music apps that are on the shelves in the play store and through its billing system. The exemption option previously given was also terminated on June 1.

What makes bandcamp feel uncomfortable is that the platform has already transferred 82% of its sales to artists (especially 100% in special cases). Google's attempt to extract 10% of sales is obviously untenable.

The good news is that Google has postponed its decision to get off the shelf following epic's motion to a California court last month. At the same time, epic will first host this part (10%) of the cost, rather than passing it on to consumers or artists.

After the court hearing, this part of the funds entrusted will be attributed to the winning party. However, Google has only made an exception for bandcamp for the time being, which means that other Android clients may still be forcibly removed from the shelves on June 1 (if the policy change is not accepted).

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